Sunday, December 26, 2010

Do like the French, oui oui?

Bonjour mon amies,
It's been a while my fellow fashion astronauts. And today I'd like to discuss a trend that's got me flying high, maybe even to the moon. What's gotten me so excited? FRENCH KISS. That's right the French are at it again. Surprised? I hope the answer to that is no. The french are always four or five steps ahead of us in the fashion department, sad but true! I had the grand pleasure of visiting France two years ago and the fashion was oh-so mind blowing. My friends all mocked the trend of shorts with tights underneath but low and behold what are the Hollywood hotties sporting this month? Oh that's right, opaque tights and leather shorts.
Courtesy of Edelight.
Anyways, I digress. Let's talk about this fabulously french trend I've spotted in all my favorite stores in the mist of all the after Christmas deals. We're calling it "French Kiss." A good enough name for me, if a little provocative for my mothers taste.
Let's start with the colors of this trend: Black, white, red and violet purples
Next I give you the patterns: STRIPES, which shouldn't come as a surprise. Remember when you were little and to you a french man would be wearing black pants with a long sleeved striped black and white shirt? Okay, so perhaps that's leaning on the mime side but stripes are truly the pattern to look for.
Shapes: Higher waisted pants, fitted tucked in tops, short flouncy skirts and dresses.
Skin's out? Think cardigans with this trend. Very much an Audrey Hepburn meets Mrs. Brady trend. Dark colored cardis with large flowered applique seems to be a big hit with this particular trend.
The HATS have it! Vintage bowlers and knit berets, very passe, I know but still very in.
Give your feet a break: Though I will say that the daring French women wear the highest of all heels it's safe to say that with all the walking they do they're not constantly in heels so give your feet a break and go for flats. Here's a trick, pick up a pair of those cute little fast flats from Target and slide your heels into your purse or carry them with you. When you hit your destination do a quick change and watch your girls drool with envy as they complain about their feet. Fast flats easily slide into your purse or clutch, they're made to fold and get small. You can easily slide back into the flats when you get into the cab. Your feet will thank you. And who says there's anything wrong with flats? A cute flat with detailing in a splashy color is always in.

French Kissing is definitely in, your closet and your boyfriend will thank you for following this particular tidbit of advice.

Au revoir mon petite amies!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fashion Landslide

Recently I had to write a 7 pager for my Writing class. Not surprisingly I chose to do it about FASHION. So, I thought I'd share it with you all, because personally I think it's pretty good. So, here ya go. And cross your fingers I get an A because she's a tough grader! And yes, it is relatively long. It ended up being 8 pages. Rest assured I included a works cited for the class but I won't bother y'all with that. Give me some thoughts about my thesis? Thanks dolls. Happy reading! =)

Fashion is an essential part of everyone’s life, you can’t walk around naked, it’s a violation of the law. There are many different elements that go into the clothes you select off the racks at department stores and specialized boutiques. The selection process is an essential part of personal fashion. Ever wonder why when entering a beloved store in the mall all of the stores are featuring the same color pallets? How about the styles one will find on the racks? Where do these styles come from and who decides they’re the trend to follow?
Certainly, popular magazines and style television shows help dictate the trends one find. However, fashion goes deeper than that. Fashion starts on a runway in places around the world such as New York, Paris, London, Tokyo and Milan. Trends including color, shape and general styles sift from these runways to the racks in every local Wal Mart, Macy’s and sometimes even Good Wills. They even make their way to the more creative ones who make their own clothes. Fashion is like a landslide, it starts at the top and slides down until it’s hit everyone in it’s path.
The Los Angeles Times recently published an article about what to expect in the stores this spring all based on the New York, Milan and Paris fashion shows. This spring we can expect to see some 1970’s throwback pieces all thanks to the one and only, Mark Jacobs. Hemlines are lengthening and heels heights are shortening. The future’s bright as vivid bright colors work their way into our wardrobes as well. All of these trends will soon find their way to front and center as last seasons trends make their ways to the clearance racks. All because of small things that started on a runway, possibly half way around the world. One floaty ankle length fuchsia skirt, paired with flat sandals will shape fashion trends for spring 2010, but how and why?
Retailers attend the shows and fashion buyers, literally buy pieces of clothing that mimic the styles and colors witnessed on the runways months before. Designers don’t just influence buyers from stores. They also inspire other designers and collections, the landslide effect rears it’s head, again. Fashion starts at the top, in this case the designer runway show, then slides to other designers until the whole fashion market is using a certain color. Therefore, the buyers attending the shows will see the color repeatedly and consumers can rest assured that stores will be featuring it next season.
“Fashion Buyers are the personal shoppers for retail apparel companies. A fashion buyer maximizes the company‘s profits by making sure that the products on store shelves appeal to consumers” (Zimmerman). Fashion buyers are the middle men between designers and consumers. They fall just under the designers in the landslide effect on fashion. Buyers work with fashion forecasters to make crucial decisions about what to sell in stores (Zimmerman).
Fashion forecasters are another essential part towards the top of the fashion landslide. “Fashion forecasters provide reports about trends expected to materialize a year or two in the future within narrow market segments… Reports include information about fabrics, color, silhouettes, and styling” (Zimmerman). Forecasters work as a sort of psychic for the fashion industry. It’s their job to know what the consumer wants to buy before the consumer themselves know (Blair). The job of a forecaster is never done, they are constantly doing research, as they walk down the road, as they ride the subway to and from work and even when they’re at the office. Their eyes are always open to see what is selling and what isn’t so predictions can be made for the following season. (Blair).
Fashion forecasters and fashion buyers work hand in hand with the designers. Forecasters let the designer and buyers know what will be popular so the others can plan accordingly. In this way fashion is not only a landslide but also an intricate web. Fashion forecasts also help to determine what one will find on the shelves at favorite stores.
In 2006 Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway starred in a movie about a girl with no sense of fashion working as an assistant at a fashion magazine. In one scene, Hathaway’s character truly offends Streep’s character due to her lack of knowledge about fashion. “You go to your closet and you select out, oh I don't know, that lumpy blue sweater, for instance, because you're trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back. But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise, it's not lapis, it's actually cerulean. You're also blindly unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves St. Laurent, wasn't it, who showed cerulean military jackets? And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. it filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and so it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you're wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room. From a pile of stuff” (The Devil Wears Prada).
This particular scene in this movie holds a significant amount of truth about how the fashion industry works. The story of the cerulean blue sweater puts into perspective the way the fashion landslide goes. Starting at the top of the hill is Oscar de la Renta who designed the cerulean gowns. The trend began to slide and hit Yves St. Laurent and eventually 8 other designers. But the blue didn’t stop sliding there as it eventually slides all the way to the department store and eventually a clearance bin.
Though some trends sparkle on the runway and shine on the pages of magazine’s most of them will never make their way into the closet of the millions of readers and watchers who are salivating over the looks. According to, when you see trends you love in magazines there is a good chance you will never find it in the stores because more often then not the trend is never put into production. “…The first problem is the fashion cycle. All of these companies are on this wild ride to present editors, boutiques, dept stores, international accounts the best, hottest most fashion-forward pieces. In reality, what sells in showrooms and at trade shows is either a more basic color of an item, a cheaper version of an item, wardrobe basics, etc” (Sherman).
The fashion industry is a fickle, delicate creature, though the biggest trends are show stoppers they’re not exactly people pleasers. The trends look spectacular and elegant or edgy on the thin perfect body models that wear them out on the runways but they just don’t translate to the everyday woman’s body. It’s more likely that one will see a pair of skin tight chartreuse, leather jeans pair with an off the shoulder black blouse accompanied by an orange fur shrug and a necklace reminiscent of chain metal on a runway than on the average PTA meeting attending mom. This example is extreme, but holds truths, trends that look amazing on the runway don’t often translate well on the every day person.
Another large issue faced by the top dogs of the fashion industry is supply and demand. “Even if there is interest in an editorial piece by a boutique or department stores’ buyers, if the demand doesn’t reach the minimum they need to produce, it just never gets made.” If the demand for the product isn’t there then the supply will never be needed. This also helps facilitate the lack of one of a kind outfits. Fashion like every other industry is a numbers game, it all about the Benjamin’s in the end. “The buyers are pure number crunchers…” (Sherman).
According to Sherman, another part of the puzzle is the public relations part of the fashion industry. Their job is to present editors with one of a kind pieces that will make readers want to see more from the designer. Magazine’s are also often working months ahead of time and fashion being the fickle industry that it is there is no guarantee that by the time the magazine hits shelves the piece will still be a part of the collection (Sherman).
Pieces are often dropped on a whim at the very last minute for a multitude of different reasons. Designers can change their minds and choose to take the collection in a completely different direction (Wisegeek). What may have started as a nautical, sea-worthy collection, could easily be changed into something on the whole other side of the fashion spectrum thanks to a change of mind or new inspiration. As soon as the designs are finalized and make their way to the sample sales and runways editors see them but unfortunately a lot of pieces will be too expensive to be mass produced (Sherman). The problem here is, “often the sample was very expensive to produce and companies just don‘t have the dollars to produce mass amounts of them if there is no assurance it will sell” (Sherman).
Online blogs and websites also help to affect the fashion landslide process. Blogs can be written by anyone about anything and fashion is no exception. Popular newspapers and magazines often have websites featuring articles about everything including fashion. For example, The Huffington post has an entire website dedicated to New York City fashion including shopping tips, articles and blogs alike.
On The Huffington post’s webpage Linda Grasso wrote a blog featuring Paris’s fashion week and how it could be transferred into an everyday woman’s closet. Grasso chose small but important things that she saw prominently on the runways and as she walked around Paris. To reinforce the ideas Grasso included pictures of the trends she was promoting.
It’s safe to say that blogs like this exist by the thousands, if not all by reliable sources such as The Huffington Post. A simple Google search of ‘blogs about fashion’ will reveal the extensive amounts that exist and the different fashion centric topics authors of the blogs choose to write about. Blogs and web pages fall in the middle of the landslide. They’re not at the top of the chain because bloggers have to have something to blog about to begin with and their subjects are the top of the landslide.
Everything can be done on the internet these days and lots of people rely on internet stores for their fashion needs. This helps with the problem of seeing a fabulous magazine look and not being able to find it in stores no matter how hard you try. “The rise of online fashion retailing raises the question of whether this formula can be directly translated to the online world. This is a world of information, where runway shows are streamed live as they are shown, and anybody, anywhere, can have access to the entire online marketplace with just a few clicks” (Cordry).
Online stores present solutions and problems for the everyday fashion shopper. An easily identifiable benefit is being able to shop whenever and wherever. There’s no worry about hours of business because online stores never close and are ready at your convenience. The entirety of the stores offerings is right at your fingertips. What’s the disadvantage then? The inability to try things on in an online store for one and the hassle that comes with returning items that aren’t what they appear to be on the screen.
Online stores work the same way as traditional stores, though. Stores are merely puppets while designers and buyers the puppet masters behind the curtains pulling the strings. Stores aren’t the only ones whose strings are being pulled though, all consumers of the trends that are being promoted are having their strings pulled as well. Trends are sent down the runways only to make their way to the closets of consumers everywhere.
Huffington Post blogger, Elizabeth Cordry sums this process up nicely, “Twice a year, buyers, editors and everyone else worth their salt in the industry convene at the major fashion weeks to preview next season's collections. After the collections are shown, during market, buyers place their orders, acting as curators, boiling down the season to the pieces and stories that would speak to their customers. This selection is then ordered, produced and delivered to the shop floor in time for the customers to buy their new pieces for the season.”
Fashion and trends erupt like a volcano and fall like a landslide. One can run, one can hide but the effects of the landslide will eventually hit everything and everyone in it’s path. Fashion trends do not only affect the clothes on ones back, they also affect other trends such as home furnishings; paint colors, furniture styles and fabrics, and lighting. Being unfashionable is a choice, as Streep’s character points out in The Devil Wears Prada. However, even the most unfashionable outfits started out on a runway and were then picked up by a buyer and translated to an everyday look for the masses.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nice leg...gings?

Today I'd like to give you all some insight about my latest secret fashion obsession.... Leggings. Yes, I realize that they're just stretchy cotton that stops at your ankles but let's face it they're the most comfortable and variable piece of clothing that every fashionista should have in her closet. For a while I had my qualms about this particular trend, I mean done the wrong way it's gonna give you all the wrong bumps in the all the wrong places. However done the right way they're a great alternative to jeans.
So do you want the good news or the bad news first? Oh, who are we kidding? I'll let you have the bad news first because there's not a lot of it.
The bad news?
Leggings under a jean skirt is so totally 7th grade. Please save me from talking about your lack of fashion sense behind your back and avoid this trend like the plague. I mean, we were wearing leggings under jean skirts when I was a 7th grader, and I'd like to point out that that was well over 6 years ago. Observe the side picture. Absolutely awful. Honestly, I say go with tights. Leggings are virtually pants so to wear them under a jean skirt makes me shiver with disgust. Does anyone remember the times when we wore skirts over jeans? I remember going to an 8th grade dance with my best friend and we thought we were so hot in our skirts over our jeans. Just awful. Please, spare us all and don't wear your leggings under jean skirts.... or any skirts for that matter.

Well, now that we've taken care of that little bit of bad news let's talk about how to rock those leggings.

I just adore the oversized t-shirts with tanks underneath put over top of leggings paired with bejeweled ballet flats. Absolutely adorable. PLEASE DO THIS!

TUNICS! Another favorite trend of mine that looks just perfect over top of leggings. I'm a fan of tunics on every body shape and size and think of it this way if it's a little bit short once you pair it with the leggings you can have no fear about your parts hanging out. And as we know from my Halloween post, that's a BAD thing.

It's safe to say that I'm a fan of leggings as pants as long as the shirt you're putting over top of it covers your...special area... you know what I'm talking about.

One last DON'T before I go... METALLIC LEGGINGS. You are not a stripper... I hope. And you're not Beyonce. So just say no. I am officially banning these from your wardrobe, that's a big fat veto, baby.

Go forth my fashion soldiers to help me fight the war on bad fashion. If you see the enemy violating the rules I've given you today do us all a favor and say something. Friends don't let friends dress badly.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Brrr... Time to Bundle Up, Fashionably!

Alright my little fashion darlings, the weather is starting to change, unless you're one of the fortunate ones who live where the sun is always shining and snow and winter coats are a thing of imagination. But for those of us who are going to brave the harsh winters I'm here to give some insight about coats. If you're wearing a super amazing outfit why cover it up with something that resembles a burlap sack or a marshmallow? Top that outfit with another fashion statement. Remember what they say, first impressions are everything and in the winter everyone you see will see your coat first so make a good impression to begin with.

There are 3 essential components to picking out the perfect coat for you.

1. Color
Neutrals- Browns, white, black, gray, cream. Always a good option if you want a coat that will go with anything. Can sometimes be construed as dull and stiff, though. If you're gonna go neutral be sure to add a pop of color.

Colors- J'adore bright colored coats. Kelley greens, plum purples, fuchsia pinks and royal blue, it's always nice to see a bright colored coat walking towards me as I walk across a snow covered campus. My only concern is that you choose a color that looks GOOD on you. Red haired beauties with red undertones to your skin do us all a favor and avoid that tomato red peacoat you've been eyeballing. Yes, the color is fabulous but not for you, sweetheart. JUST SAY NO!

2. Length
This can easily be broken down into Long or Short

A. Long- long coats always scream sophistication. They're delightfully classic and elegant. However, I have a rule about your skirt being longer than your coat. though I must admit that like every fashion rule this one has it's exceptions. If you're coat goes past your knees I don't expect you to run around in a floor length skirt but have a little respect for yourself, ladies.

B. Short- Definitely for the more casual fashionistas. I'm a fan of the coats that hit right at your hips. Perfect length. Not too long not too short. Try to avoid those puffy coats with a stretchy bottom. They make you look large, no offensive to the girls of the world rocking this look.

3. Pattern? For the more adventurous sort, to be sure. I love a chic pattern coat done right. A mid-thigh houndstooth coat is the ultimate for me. Plaid is one of those patterns that just won't quit these days but one you should be wary of to be sure. Too much plaid is a no, no, no, my darlings. If you're gonna do a plaid coat you need to do solid color coordinating accessories. Don't overwhelm your look with a plaid skirt topping your plaid coat. And leave the polka dot coats for the children, please.

So, now you've got the perfect coat but like any great outfit accessories can make or break it. Plus, you want to stay warm and sometimes a coat just isn't enough.

Make sure you're taking into account the color of your coat when choosing accessories. If your coat is black spice it up with some bright colors. Maybe a bright pink scarf with a matching hat and black gloves. You don't want to completely overpower the classic feel of your black coat with color but you also want to make sure your accessories match the style.

DON'T pair yellow earmuffs with blue striped gloves and a purple hat. Pick one color for accessories and stick to it.

Baby, it's cold outside so heat of your wardrobe with fabulously hot fashion trends. There's a style for all of you. Whether you want to stand out or blend in. But let's face it, who really wants to blend in?!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Boo you whore!" It's Halloween!

We're getting closer and closer to my favorite holiday, Halloween. The days are dwindling as the weather starts to cool and the leaves begin to change. Every store in town has it's pumpkin decor out for all to see. Halloween is a fashion show like no other.

So, what's my one dislike of this frightas
ticly fashionable holiday? Girls who dress in lingerie and animal ears with high heels. Okay, so we all want to look sexy for parties but some people take it to far. I was wondering through a Halloween store the other day looking for a fashionista appropriate costume with just the right amount of sex appeal and I found some appallingly skanky costumes. How about the classic wanna be playboy bunny costume? We all know the one, Reese Whiterspoon wore one in Legally blonde and you can find it in every costume store. The black leotard with a white fluffy tail attached and a pair of ears? Doesn't get much worse than that. Your ass is almost completely exposed, your boobs are tumbling out of the top. I mean, really?! Combine that with the fact that if you don't have the body of the model wearing it it's just not right. Sorry, sweetheart but no.

There's a right way and a wrong way to do Halloween. I'm not saying you can't do sexy. And I mean, if you have the body of that model then go for it! However for those of us who don't have that body, we need better options that still have the sex appeal. Below I've got some ideas on how to do different costumes in the right way and the wrong way. These tips can be used for other costumes outside of the specific ones I'm applying them to.

Wrong way:

Here's another case of a perfect body model. So, where to start with what's wrong with it? Let's start with the top. In order to pull that off you'd need a flat toned stomach. And believe me when I say I'd bet money that picture was airbrushed. Add the fact that her chest is barely covered. Together it creates a skanky pirate. I mean, you'd definitely catch male attention in this outfit.

Right way:
If you're not a fan of your legs try something like this with a long skirt. The top gives a hint of sex appeal with the off the shoulder look and a little bit of cleavage. This look is definitely more appropriate if you'll be attending a party that will have children in attendance.

If you're going out to a place without children in attendance there's a pirate look out there for you that's a little sexier but still better then the first example. This one is shorter but the petticoat underneath gives more coverage combine that with the fishnets and it's sexy but not ridiculous. This is definitely my favorite of the pirate costumes I've seen this season. It's sexy but sweet.

Vampire. It doesn't get more classic than a vampire costume.

Wrong way
Oh I don't even know where to start on this one. The fabric is just terrible. A skin tight shiny plastic that will do nothing but emphasis all those bumps and curves you don't want emphasized. It's short enough that with the wrong move you'll be showing the whole world everything. It's just so very wrong not to mention the fact that there's no hint of vampire to the costume at all.

Right way:
If you're going to do a vampire costume make it look like one. Yes, I know this year's trend is the burlesque vamp thing and that's fine too as long as you follow the rules. Personally, I believe in the classic vamp look. Just about anybody could pull off that particular costume. It's sexy in the right ways and you don't have to worry about which way you're moving and what's falling out when you move. There's always the cheap way to do a vamp costume too, throw on your favorite little black dress get a red cape at your local wal mart or marc's and add fangs. Dark makeup pale skin, and voila! you're a sexy vamp and you didn't have to spend 60 bucks on something you'll wear three times if you're lucky.

Storybook costumes. These are a particular favorite of mine. Everything from classic Disney characters to Goldilocks is being personified this year. These are one costume genre that I've yet to find a wrong way to do. they're all for the most part the same thing. A gingham print dress in a varying color along with accessories to help drive home your point. These particular costumes always look cute with curly pig tails tied with matching ribbon. Thigh highs with bows are a cute touch as well.
So, maybe I'm biased because this fashionista will be going as Red riding hood this year but in any case these costumes are cute without being too bad. They can be worn to any Halloween function without worry.

Whatever your choice for this years Halloween I hope you take the time to do it right! Just say no if you try it on and your parts are hangin' out.

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How about we bring back the '80's? How about no?

Oh retro, let me count the ways I despise you. Every year a decade we all wish would stay in the past pokes it's ugly little head back in and the select few choose to jump in feet first. I'm more of a testing the waters kinda gal. Who's to say how long this retro phase shall last? Certainly not I.
I'm not saying that everything about the '80's was completely terrible.
But like everything else in the world of fashion there's a right way and a wrong way to do things. So ladies, if you're gonna break out your favorite Madonna-esque gear do us all a favor and do it the correct way.

Good way:

-Lacey layers- Be careful with this particular trend because it could go wrong super quick. The key word here is layers. Lace is good in small portions. Try pairing it with a more modern trend. A lacey tank under a military jacket, for example.
-Off the shoulder tops- Go for it, girl! One thing I will say, however is invest in a strapless or at least a convertible bra. It doesn't get much trashier then a bra strap hanging out. It ruins the whole affect.
-Berets- Oh berets. The world's most timeless head gear. Now hear this, do not go out and buy a raspberry beret, 'the kind you find in a second hand store.' Retro has its place, but so does modern. At any target, wal mart, macy's, etc... you can find a more modern knit beret, a slouchy hat that can hide even your worst hair.
- Leopard print- Take a walk on the wild side but beware of the trashy side. A cute leopard print wrap dress, in. A skin tight asymmetrical one sleeve dress, OUT. OUT. OUT. Kay, thanks, bye.
- Tuxedo jackets- A personal obsession of mine. One of the easiest trends to dress up or down. Dark wash skinny jeans, a feminine blouse, chunky, beaded necklace and flats or for the daring stilettos, and hello bombshell! Perfect for casual Friday at the office or a day at school. Dress it up. Tank dresses with layered skirts are adorable but not always weather appropriate, as we head into the chillier seasons. Throw one of these jackets on and you can take your sassy spring dress and make it flirty for autumn.

Bad way:
- LEG WARMERS. JUST SAY NO! I don't care who you are, how much you weigh or what your best friend just said about how cute they look. They don't look cute, and more importantly they're not flattering. Just bypass that section in Forever 21.
- Acid wash jeans. Never FLATTERING. I repeat NEVER. Just don't even try. Acid wash jeans will take a fashion hero to fashion zero in a matter of seconds.
- Wedding singer-esque tuexedo jackets covered in sequins- Yes, they do exist. I was strolling through my favorite store the other day and I stumbled upon one. You are not Adam Sandler, this is not 1985. You're better off donating that $55 to a charity. You'll save yourself from fashion suicide and maybe help some hippies plant a tree or two.
- Flashdance sweaters- Going to goodwill buying a sweater and cutting it so it artfully falls off your shoulder like that girl from Flashdance (Jennifer Beals) is just a bad idea. Not only will you look like you got dressed in the dark, your best friend shall mock you until the end of time. Enough said.

There you have it, my thoughts on the '80's but to bring home my point let's talk about how this relates to my small towns distasteful choices.
I have seen all of these trends, particularly the bad ones done in many ways in my town. And yes, my best friend does own a Flashdance sweater, from the goodwill, in fact and I do mock her mercilessly every time she wears it.

Goodbye '80's.
Hello 2010.

Well it's been real folks. But for now do us all a favor, keep your eyes open for bad trends to share with your favorite fashion blogger. And say a prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages, especially the fashion ones.

Awkward First Posting

So, the worst part of starting a blog? That first awkward post matched only by that moment when you put on those fabulous new 4 inch stilettos for the first strut around town. You're shaky, afraid of falling and making a mockery of the shoes and yourself in the process. Well, here's to not falling.

Let's start with a simple introduction.
If you're here, then like me you have a passion for fashion that has sadly been stifled due to the world around you. Perhaps you live in a small town or in the suburbs. In any case most of us fashionistas know what it's like to live in a community where everyone around you lacks taste and style.

I'll bring up some of my favorite fashion no-no's but I would love to hear about some of yours as well.

So, I bring you Haute Couture in a small town.
I call forth the fashionable, the risk taking rebels and those who choose to be different and look fabulous doing it.
Together we can try to bring an end to fashion crimes. Or at least mock them.

Living in a small town? Fashion sense more like the big town? Can't breathe in a world where fashionable is baggy levi's and a local University sweatshirt?
Neither can I, so I bring you... Haute Couture in a small town. For us small town girls living in a lonely fashion world.
Unleash your fashion imagination with me. Fashion is a passion and we shall not be denied.